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Web adapter


import { makeAdapter } from '@livestore/web'
import LiveStoreSharedWorker from '@livestore/web/shared-worker?sharedworker'
import LiveStoreWorker from './livestore.worker?worker'
const adapter = makeAdapter({
storage: { type: 'opfs' },
worker: LiveStoreWorker,
sharedWorker: LiveStoreSharedWorker,
import { makeWorker } from '@livestore/web/worker'
import { schema } from './schema/index.js'
makeWorker({ schema })

Web worker

  • Make sure your schema doesn’t depend on any code which needs to run in the main thread (e.g. avoid importing from files using React)
    • Unfortunately this constraints you from co-locating your table definitions in component files.
    • You might be able to still work around this by using the following import in your worker:
      import '@livestore/web/worker-vite-dev-polyfill'

Why is there a dedicated web worker and a shared worker?

  • Shared worker:
    • Needed to allow tabs to communicate with each other using a binary message channel.
    • The shared worker mostly acts as a proxy to the dedicated web worker.
  • Dedicated web worker (also called “leader worker”):
    • Acts as the leader/single writer for the storage.
    • Currently needed for synchronous OPFS API. (Hopefully won’t be needed in the future anymore.)

Why not use a service worker?

  • While service workers seem similar to shared workers (i.e. only a single instance across all tabs), they serve different purposes and have different trade-offs.
  • Service workers are meant to be used to intercept network requests and tend to “shut down” when there are no requests for some period of time making them unsuitable for our use case.
  • Also note that service workers don’t support some needed APIs such as OPFS.


LiveStore currently only support OPFS to locally persist its data. In the future we might add support for other storage types (e.g. IndexedDB).

LiveStore also uses window.sessionStorage to retain the identity of a client session (e.g. tab/window) across reloads.

Other notes

  • The web adapter is using some browser APIs that might require a HTTPS connection (e.g. navigator.locks). It’s recommended to even use HTTPS during local development (e.g. via Caddy).