LiveStore provides a schema definition language for defining your database tables and mutation definitions. It’s also using the Effect Schema library.
import { Schema } from 'effect'
export const Filter = Schema.Literal('all', 'active', 'completed')
const todos = DbSchema.table( 'todos', { id: DbSchema.text({ primaryKey: true }), text: DbSchema.text({ default: '' }), completed: DbSchema.boolean({ default: false }), deleted: DbSchema.integer({ nullable: true }), }, { deriveMutations: true },)
const app = DbSchema.table( 'app', { newTodoText: DbSchema.text({ default: '' }), filter: DbSchema.text({ schema: Filter, default: 'all' }), }, { deriveMutations: { enabled: true, localOnly: true } },)
export type Todo = DbSchema.FromTable.RowDecoded<typeof todos>export type AppState = DbSchema.FromTable.RowDecoded<typeof app>
export const tables = { todos, app }
export const schema = makeSchema({ tables, mutations, migrations: { strategy: 'from-mutation-log' } })